Freelance Projects
Evangeline Gentle Music
Wordpress/PHP, HTML, CSS, jQuery
Lost Wordpress theme rebuild. Created a new custom WP theme with the original look. Implemented page/post/archive templates, primary/mobile navigations, widget area, functions.php etc. Got client back up and running, editing their own content.
Evangeline Gentle Music Links:
Evangeline Gentle Music Live (Opens in a new tab)
Personal Projects
Particle Cleanup Game
React, TSX, Tailwind.css
A game which generates particles from you to clean up by pushing them out of the canvas.
Particle Cleanup Game Links:
Particle Cleanup Game Live
Juno College Projects
Out Of Context
Created with React, this app allows users to search by movie name and displays GIFs based on themes (keywords) from the movie (love, war, sports etc). Three GIFs are displayed initially, with their keywords underneath. By clicking, the user can cycle through all GIFs per keyword, or look at other keywords associated with the movie, returning new GIFs!
Out Of Context Links:
Out Of Context Live (Opens in a new tab)Out Of Context Repo (Opens in a new tab)Infinity Corkboard
This React based app presents the user with a 4X4 grid of photos from NASA API's Astronomy Picture of the Day endpoint. The user can click any images they wish to change, which swaps it out for a new one in the same position. When the user is pleased with how the grid looks, they may save it by printing to pdf. Print output is styled so the grid appears with no other page elements in the saved file.
Infinity Corkboard Links:
Infinity Corkboard Live (Opens in a new tab)Infinity Corkboard Repo (Opens in a new tab)Weather Scout
HTML, Javascript, REST API, SCSS
With this app, users can search by city and get corresponding weather data. 'Right Now' or 'Future Forecast' can be specified. 'Right Now' returns a weather description with associated icon, and the current temperature. Future forecast returns a grid of dates with forecast temperatures. Created with Javascript, HTML and CSS.
Weather Scout Links:
Weather Scout Live (Opens in a new tab)Weather Scout Repo (Opens in a new tab)Delicious
A multi-page PSD conversion project for a fictional restaurant chain.
Delicious Links:
Delicious Live (Opens in a new tab)Delicious Repo (Opens in a new tab)